Saturday, July 29, 2017

A word about Vibrational healing

For my patients and clients. You have heard me talking before about how the body is a symphony of vibratory patterns. Each organ muscle and bone give out frequencies.  I am also a proficient Clarinet Player achieving my greatest honor playing with the EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITIES Symphonic Band. [back in the '70's]. And again with the Mt Paran Orchestra from 1988-2003. 

I have found that the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves and spinal column act as a kind of cello. [the brain turns into the spinal cord, which attaches at the BOTTOM of the spinal column called the Sacrum]  

What... if parts of the body become under COMPRESSION [causing pressure]. It changes the vibratory pattern of the nerve impulses going through the spinal canal. Ask yourself, "Why do they 'tune up' the orchestra before they perform?" 
And, does not this dissonance effect the nature of the song? 

The song of the human body is HEALTH. When the body gets sick it is merely "out of tune", dissonant so to speak and can't re-create itself naturally as IT WAS INTENDED TO. 

CHIROPRACTORS ARE THE ONLY PROFESSION THAT CAN ACCURATELY MEASURE THIS, relate it to the spinal level, which corresponds to the organs attached, AND CORRECT THIS INTERFERENCE!  Thus,  it"tunes up" the nervous system so it can function properly and therefore heal the body as the frequency that is  emitted is now correct… to allow it to do so, as created. 

I SAY .... WHAT DOES PAIN HAVE TO DO WITH WHAT WE DO! [other that tell us there is an emergency of damaged tissues affecting the strength and STAMINA of the area in pain] 

REALLY... The MD wants to pigeon-toe us into pain relief doctors only. HUMBUG! What I do is much greater than that.  
As my patients can attest to, i don't need to know where the pain is cause i can READ THE REFLEX of the muscles associated and go the its attachment and release the vertebra back to motion, removing the pressure... thus restore the correct vibratory pattern into that part of the body. 

I had an instrument called the EMG. it stands for ElectroMyoGraph which measures the Megahertz of vibrations emitted from the muscles attached to the spinal column. [a unit of frequency, equal to one million cycles per second. Abbreviation: MHz] 

When the muscles contract due to stress or injury the MHz SPIKES and is measurable with this instrument. This shows the amount of injury to the muscles at that level of the spinal column due to the LEVEL of MHz. 

I have always felt that EVERY organ in the human body emits such a vibratory pattern A RESONANCE . [i first thought of this while watch Dr. McCoy on Star Trek] I have failed to find an instrument that would measure each organs transmission. BUT I DO KNOW....that pressure and compression with increased OR decreased Neural transmission can… AND DOES… affect the related structures and organs that they serve. 


An Awesome testimonial from one of my patient/clients!

If you are looking for a chiropractor and have just found Ken Logan, this is your lucky day! I’ve been coming to Ken for 24 years. At any given time in the office you’ll see a family that comes from Loganville – 100 miles round trip. Or the guy who comes twice a month from Pigeon Forge – 460 miles round trip. Or the guy from Jasper – 84 miles round trip. Ken’s knowledge of the human body is phenomenal. You won’t have to tell him what is wrong with you. He will just look at you and tell you what your symptoms are. Over the past 25 years, I’ve lost count of the number of times a new patient has told everyone in the waiting room, “I don’t have any pain anymore!” Ken knows how the body works, what it needs, and why it reacts the way it does. If you let him work his magic and if you follow his instructions, your body will soon be on the path to healing itself. That’s just what happens naturally when you free your body from drugs, free the muscles from contraction and free the spine from subluxation, which then frees up the nerves to supply every part of your body with what it needs to thrive. You won’t be just managing symptoms. Instead, you will be dealing with the root cause of the problem. I’ve sent countless people to Ken over the years. I hope you’ll be another of his successes.



I am so honored,  that you have chosen me to be your chiropractor, wellness practitioner.  You all know that I have been challenged with moving our clinic, [twice] setting up our clinic, and making it a functional facility that you can enjoy AND get the best possible care ANYWHERE. 

You have ALL been very patient as I have had to overcome OVERWHELMING ODDS, to get this accomplished.

I offer World Class Chiropractic Care…but, we don't have World Class Clinic FACILITY yet. That takes time and much money. 

If you go to your medical offices with their pristine offices, backed by more money than I have, it seems better to you and more appropriate.   But you have to look deeper into it. BUT…. The results are what matter!

I have always said, that the body is, "a self-healing organism, if allowed to do so with no interference to the nervous system."  and that the nutritional needs are a powerful secondary element to this chemical interference.

 I think the Medical Doctors fall way short when it comes to musculoskeletal and neurological movement problems. They are REDUCTIONIST practitioners, who treat the symptom instead of seeking the cause of the problems.  They only have medicine and surgery to try to reduce the symptoms. That is why I call myself a VITALISTIC DOCTOR.  I seek to find the cause not the cure of your problems.  Vitalism is the dynamic functioning of the human body with failsafe's that strive to correct problems not just treat symptoms.

This task has been OVERWHELMING for me, but I have persevered, and now we have a function X-RAY facility, a huge channel letter sign outside of the facility, and very soon new software that will be state of the art software to serve your insurance and personal needs as  you come in for your most excellent adjustments that I have worked to perfect for 38  years.  [time fly's as you are having fun]….

But it has been very difficult by myself to put the charts on the wall, organize the clinic for efficient flow and a reduction of the wait time. 

I am at fault for talking too much I know.  This I am fervently trying to improve.  I have so much to teach everyone and so little time.  I know that the adjustment for you is the most important thing.  And it is to me also, but I have failed in being able to have you understand what WELLNESS is really about. 

In the near future I will be conducting "wellness classes", "current nutritional concepts", movement therapy etc. that will teach you the concept of what "Wellness" really is, why you need it and what to do.  Without "Wellness", you will be subject to getting sick from no prevention and having to treat that sickness.  It is far better to keep your body WELL, than to wait until it BREAKS, or gets sick….[which is what the medics want you to succumb to]


Dr. Ken