Wednesday, November 14, 2018


GEN 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3.And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4.And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5.And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
6.And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
AND the north and south poles were formed. [electromagnetic]

While studying Neuroanatomy in the first quarter at Life University, it was shown that the FIRST SYSTEM formed was the brain and spinal cord and nerves from the cord then buds on the end of the nerves [organs of the body] Then all the rest followed and in 9 months the baby was born.

It is the SPIRIT coming into the egg that sparked the light flash releasing the zinc and the process of Meiosis started IN THAT ORDER. It is the body that houses the Spirit allowing the Spirit to exist in this three dimensional Earth.
We are that Spirit in a body, it IS a synergistic relationship until the Spirit is released in the end and the body no longer has that Electromagnetic influence to vivify the brain to produce electromagnetic impulses that allows body homeostasis. HEALTH!

SO WHY DON'T WE TEND TO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AS THE MOST IMPORTANT ENTITY IN THE HUMAN BODY? [no, most just treat the pain as a result of the Nervous System injury]  Never continually work on keeping the COMPRESSION eliminated to it... which is due to chemical, physical and emotional STRESS.
Call 770.428.3671 for more information on how to check your Nervous System.

From <>

This video changed my view on when the spirit enters the body.

My response to an ad in FB for a foot insert that promises to stimulate nerve points [in the bottom of the feet] and eliminate massage therapists and chiropractors.

They say in their ad:
"There is no need for message therapist's or chiropractors if you use this product".

IN a nation of lazy, dependent, self-centered, wantonness....there is no need for chiropractors. [oh no, you just need to feeeeel no pain, or just feel relief from the pain]
Interesting, there are NO pain sensors in the spinal cord. or pressure receptors]. ALL THE NERVE PATHWAYS FROM THE BRAIN have to go down the spinal cord. [it is a CLOSED SYSTEM]

Want to know what negatively impacts these spinal pathways INSIDE THE CORD? It is PRESSURE, NOT PAIN.
So.....while you seek to relieve pain, with acupressure relieve pain... your spinal cord is SQUEEZED inwardly by the compression of the spinal COLUMN. [eventually the MD's call it Spinal Stenosis [narrowing of the spinal canal]. 

THAT'S RIGHT. And while you wear these things to FEEL BETTER, you nervous system slowly [and spinal column compex] starts to break down and malfunction. AND your vertebral joints degenerate, AND your spinal discs deteriorate eventually putting PRESSURE on the nerve roots coming out of the cord delivering information to that part of the body to function correctly.

THAT'S RIGHT.....PRESSURE. and it damages the flow of impulses into the body. IMPULSES that cause the genetic nature of the body to heal itself.

CHIROPRACTORS ARE THE ONLY DOCTORS that put the vertebra into MOTION, and there for INSTANTLY relaxing all associated muscles needed for spinal column FUNCTION.

Did you know that your body is CONSTANTLY REPLACING ITSELF, taking used up parts of the body and replacing them with the scripts in the 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Our genetic information is stored in 23 pairs of chromosomes that vary widely in size and shape. ... Females have a pair of X chromosomes (46, XX), whereas males have one X and one Y chromosomes (46, XY). Chromosomes are made of DNA, and genes are special units of chromosomal DNA.

It is scientifically validated that one pair of chromosomes have enough 8.5 x 11 scripts to go from Earth, completely around the Sun and back again.

That is A LOT OF INFORMATION, and it is disturbed by pressure in the central nervous system, and changes the ability to access this genetic hard copy in the chromosomes, resulting in ABNORMAL changes to the script. Hence...mutation of reproduction of cell components and dis-ease in the affected areas of the body with altered Nerve Supply.

The SUBLUXATION "effect on associated muscles" explained

Have you, wondered WHY the neck muscles are tight, or have soreness when you move your head, or have that STUCK feeling?

WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY ASK.....W H Y? [it is because we have been brainwashed into thinking that we have to TREAT the result, not find the CAUSE]

Put your left hand on your right forearm and squeeze. [nice and squishy right?] now, wiggle your fingers and notice the tendons moving on your forearm close to the elbow.  Now... make a fist with your right hand. What just happened to your forearm muscles? NOW THEY ARE TIGHT! that is because your forearm muscles are ASSOCIATED with the hand function. 

When one vertebra goes out of its normal motion, the five layers of muscles and nine common ligaments that are ATTACHED to the stuck bone go into a defense response CONTRACTION.

So WHAT EXACTLY is this contraption doing? but temporarily relieving the result of vertebral misalignment [using massage therapy or drugs to relax the muscle FIRST] only covers up the cause of the contraction of the muscles. 

It is far better to get that vertebra BACK IN MOTION with a chiropractic adjustment specifically to the one that is out of motion and the associated muscles IMMEDIATELY relax.

CHIROPRACTIC 101. come and see us at 770-428-3671 or visit us at our web site at you will be glad you did.